When the Daughter is here, I disappear! Scott and Sadie's Life Court

Here is Thursday's Life Court...

Scott and Sadie,

I am a 40-something woman and have been with my partner for four years. I am the mother of three boys; he's a father of two girls. We live at my house.

Whenever his youngest comes to visit (she's 16), she insists on his every second of attention. He eats it up. It's so frustrating. They both ignore the fact that I am here. It's very upsetting, and I don't think it's normal.

But I may be just jealous. I'm curious what your listeners think in Life Court.



What's your advice for June in Scott and Sadie's Life Court?

Here's what the judges on social media say...

Hear Scott and Sadie try the case on the radio here...

When the Daughter is here, I disappear! Scott and Sadie's Life Court

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