Scott and Sadie

Scott and Sadie

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Sadie's Badass of the Week- Comedian is Heckled at Show and Unleashes

I will 1000%, undoubtedly, never be as cool as Ariel Elias. This little gem, a relatively popular comedian out of New York had a pretty frightful experience on October 8th while doing a stand up gig at a comedy club in New Jersey. As Ariel was doing her thang some dumbass threw a full can of beer at her. I, myself, would run away and cry and never ever speak in front of the crowd like a wiener. But not Ariel. She caught the beer IN MID AIR, chugged it, and continued on with her set.

I would only be able to do something that badass while in the shower, alone, 4 days later.

Bottom Line- Ariel Elias, we salute you as our badass of the week.

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