There is a Billboard in NoCo About Grizzly Bears, But We Don't Have Any

You may have seen a new billboard in Fort Collins discouraging the hunting of grizzly bears. There's an issue though... We don't have grizzlies in Colorado.

According to the Coloradoan: 

A conservationist group has targeted Fort Collins as part of a billboard campaign advocating for the protection of the animals as the first hunting season for the bear in more than 40 years approaches.

Five billboards will be placed in Wyoming, Idaho and Colorado — including one in Fort Collins — throughout the campaign. The billboards feature a grizzly bear raising it's paw next to the statement "I am not a trophy." 

The only known bear to exist in Rocky Mountain National Park is the black bear. Grizzly bears are no longer found in Colorado, according to the National Park Service.

There are grizzlies in Wyoming. 

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