A Giant Christmas Tree is Coming to Colorado That Fits 140 People Inside

Last week we learned that Colorado would be getting two drive-through Christmas displays with 1.5 million lights each. But if that wasn't enough Christmas for you, check this out!

Our state will also be getting a giant digitally lighted Christmas tree that is 110-feet-tall, and 39 feet in diameter, and is large enough to hold 140 guests at a time for an “immersive viewing experience within the tree itself.”

Mile High Tree, which Visit Denver calls “the largest installation of its kind in North America,” will tower over the Sculpture Park at the Denver Performing Arts Complex from Nov. 30 to Jan. 31, according to a press release.

Even better, this attraction is FREE to visit. Plus, there will be all sorts of special events at the tree throughout the season. For a full list of events and details, click here.

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