FDA: Hand Sanitizers Don't Prevent Disease

Sorry, millennial soccer moms, but it's all been a lie.

You've lived the entirety of your latte'd life carrying that bottle around in you purse and lathering your bubble-wrapped, helmeted children after they've coming in from a play-date participating in non-contact games at the inspiration playground.

But it's all been a lie. The germs will get you and your little kiddies, too.

The FDA says hand sanitizers don't prevent the flu, ebola, coronavirus, germs, or general ickyness, and is warning the makers of Purell to stop making such claims.

In a letter sent to the company this month, the FDA says it is "not aware of any adequate and well-controlled studies" that prove that hand sanitizers prevent infection from viruses like flu, ebola, MRSA, or norovirus. It also criticized the company for claiming on its website that Purell products reduce "student absenteeism" by 51%.

Purell's parent company GOJO says it's taking "immediate action" and is already updating its website.

Do you trust hand sanitizers to keep you safe from illness? What other steps do you take?

More HERE.

(Photo cred: Getty Images)

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