Ten More "Good News" Stories from the Coronavirus Outbreak

Here are a few good news stories making the rounds today . . .

1. A seven-year-old kid in Virginia got a shout-out from President Obama this week, after he went around to hotels asking for hairnets, gloves, and face masks. He ended up donating more than 6,000 pieces of personal protective equipment to hospitals.

2. Google says more of us are searching for ways to HELP people than ever before. The number of searches for things like "how to volunteer" . . . "how to help the community" . . . and "how to help the elderly" are much higher than normal.

3. A World War Two vet in Oregon just celebrated his 104th birthday after BEATING the virus. It looks like he's the oldest person in the world to survive it so far.

4. A landlord in Brooklyn says he's not charging rent next month for all TWO HUNDRED TENANTS who live in his buildings. He says he just wants them to focus on their loved ones, and on staying healthy.

(Also, a pizza place in New York has been making 400 pizzas a day for healthcare workers. So their landlord froze their rent for three months, and gave them $20,000.)

5. A 12-year-old girl in South Dakota was having trouble with her online algebra lesson. So her teacher showed up at her house with a white board, and gave her a one-on-one lesson through a window.

6. A cop in Boston saw a single mom sitting on a curb crying, because her debit card for food stamps wasn't working, and she couldn't get groceries. So he took her back inside the store and bought $200 worth of stuff for her.

7. A tree-trimmer in Ohio couldn't see his mom, because she was quarantined on the third floor of her nursing home. So he used a bucket truck to lift himself up, and they hung out through her window.

8. The Getty Museum in L.A. asked people to recreate famous paintings using things around their house as props. And the results so far are pretty impressive.

9. A college student in Kentucky is making special facemasks that let the hearing impaired read people's lips. Each mask has a plastic cutout in the middle, so you can see the person's mouth.

10. A respiratory therapist in New York had to stop working after he got sick last month. But now he's BEATEN the virus, and he's back at work helping patients again.

(Image Cred: Getty Images)

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