A 'Float-In' Movie Theater is Coming to Colorado, and They Provide the Boat

Who needs the drive-in when you've got the float-in?

A company called Beyond Cinema is planning to bring a "Floating Boat Cinema" to dozens of cities worldwide this fall. Consequence of Sound reports that the events will feature 12 to 24 mini boats, each able to hold upwards of eight people, with movies projected on a large, outdoor screen near the water.

The events are set to take place in September and October in more than two dozen locales, including Denver, from Wednesday, September 2 to Sunday, September 6 – for six days only.

This past weekend in Paris, a similar "cinema on the water" event was held with great success. Exact details on what movies will be screened and where have yet to be revealed, but you can find out more info by pre-registering on the Beyond Cinema website.

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