One Colorado City in the Top 10 Best Cities To Find A Job in 2021

A lot of people lost their job in 2020, and there’s no doubt many hope 2021 will turn things around. Finding a new job is never easy, but living i one Colorado city may give you an advantage.

WalletHub just came out with their list of the Best Cities to Find Jobs, looking at more than 180 U.S. cities, judging them on 32 key indicators, in areas like:

  • Job Market, which takes into account job opportunities, employment growth, monthly average starting salary and more.
  • Socio-Economic rank, which looks at median annual income, work and commute times, transit options and more.

So, where should you move if you want an easier time finding a new job?

The number one answer is South Burlington, Vermont, which scored an overall 66.53 out of 100 and comes in third for Job Market and second for Socio-Economic rank.

Salt Lake City, Utah, which ranks fourth overall, is tops for Job Market, while Burlington, Vermont, 64th overall, is tops for Socio-Economic rank.

Top Ten Best Cities To Find Jobs

(click here for the complete list)

  1. South Burlington, VT
  2. Columbia, MD
  3. Virginia Beach, VA
  4. Salt Lake City, UT
  5. Boise, ID
  6. Scottsdale, AZ
  7. Chesapeake, WA
  8. Seattle, WA
  9. Colorado Springs, CO
  10. Plano, TX

As for the worst city to find a job, that “honor” goes to Hialeah, FL, which earned an overall score of 38.18 and ranks dead last for Socio-Economic rank and close to the bottom for Job Market.

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