Dentists, Vets & Chiropractors to Administer COVID-19 Vaccine in Colorado

Anyone who has "doctor" in front of their name is waaaaaay smarter than I am, and probably quite capable of giving us a vaccine, but it still feels weird saying your getting a shot from a dentist, veterinarian or chiropractor.

In Colorado, those folks will be allowed to administer the COVID-19 vaccine, though. According to MSN:

(Gov.) Polis signed an executive order allowing health care professionals such as dentists, chiropractors and veterinarians to give vaccines to people in hospital-like settings where the state has already approved COVID-19 distribution.
The emergency rules were part of an executive order signed on Jan.11 and they apply to inpatient, outpatient, and hospital settings under certain delegations.
It will still be the responsibility of health providers who require extra staff to train and supervise volunteers in case a person receiving the vaccine has an adverse reaction to a COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE).
This is the current list of approved professions under the executive order are certified nurses aide, practical nurses, podiatrists, optometrists, chiropractors, dentists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, veterinarians, respiratory therapists, speech-language pathologists, and surgical assistants.

Hopefully someone doesn't accidently have their vet give it to them in the wrong spot and case the zombie apocalypse, is all I'm saying!

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