Colorado Named One of the Worst States to Drive in. in Another Study

Anyone who has spent time on I25 will likely agree with yet another study that says Colorado is not a great place to drive...

The rankings are based on 31 different factors including gas and insurance prices . . . traffic . . . weather . . . road quality . . . commute times . . . accident rates . . . and car washes and parking lots per capita.

The 10 best states for driving are: Texas . . . Indiana . . . North Carolina . . . Iowa . . . Tennessee . . . Kentucky . . . Maine . . . Idaho . . . South Dakota . . . and Ohio.

And the 10 worst are: Hawaii . . . California . . . Washington . . . Maryland . . . Delaware . . . Rhode Island . . . Pennsylvania . . . New Hampshire . . . New Jersey . . . and Colorado.

Here are the rankings for all 50 states.

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