One in Three People Have Stolen a Coworker's Food...

Here's a benefit of working from home: That yogurt you left in the fridge won't mysteriously disappear . . .

A new survey found one in three people have STOLEN a coworker's food before. And a lot of those thieves must be repeat offenders because 47% of us have HAD something stolen. Here are some more stats from the survey. . .

1. Drinks are the #1 thing people will help themselves to. The most stolen beverages at work are sodas, special coffees, and energy drinks like Red Bull.

2. If you order a whole pizza at work, guard it with your life. One in six people thinks it's fine to take a piece without asking. Especially if you leave it out in a common area.

3. One in 17 people said they'll even steal food right out of a coworker's lunchbox or bag if it's unguarded.

4. The states with the most people who admit to stealing food at work are: Alaska . . . Louisiana . . . Indiana . . . Kansas . . . and Arkansas.

5. The states where people are least likely to admit to it are: Minnesota . . . Mississippi . . . North Dakota . . . Oregon . . . Rhode Island . . . and Vermont.


Hear Scott and Sadie's take on the story here...

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