THE LIST: Four Tips to Make You Better at Dating

Dating takes practice, and might not come naturally to everyone. But there's a science behind it.

The director of "relationship science" at the dating app Hinge recently shared a few ways to enhance your dating game. Here are four tips . . .

1. Don't worry if there's not a "spark" right away. Only 11% of people say they "fell in love at first sight." So stop using it as a marker of romance, or you could miss out.

2. Set specific dating goals. Finding someone takes motivation, and it can be helpful to set small, achievable goals. That way you won't get overwhelmed. Like aiming for one date a week, even if it's just coffee after work.

3. Take another look at your "deal-breakers." Like height, for example. Is it really a deal-breaker, or just a preference? If you've got stuff like that in your dating profile, you're probably filtering out a lot of great people. So try to be open-minded.

4. Give everyone a second date. Okay . . . maybe not EVERYONE. But first dates are weird, and we're always nervous. So giving people more than one chance can help you find that "diamond in the rough." 

(NY Post)

Sometimes THE LIST gets lost in translation - hear Scott and Sadie's take here...

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