The Muppets Were Prophetic, too, and Made the Perfect Pandemic Song In 1996

Everyone talks about how"The Simpsons" did stuff in the '90s that are coming true today. But so did the MUPPETS.

Remember the 1996 classic"Muppet Treasure Island"? There's a scene where the pirate ship is stuck at sea for DAYS, not moving because there's no wind. The crew goes a little NUTS, and starts singing a song called"Cabin Fever".

The lyrics include, "We've got cabin fever, we lost what sense we had / We've got cabin fever, we're all going mad." I can relate, how about you? 

(Check out the song here.)

When has life imitated art? We don't believe you have to think too long or hard to find a time when real-life imitated fiction.

By the way: Who loves the Muppets? Because Scott wants to be the hird old man in the balcony.

Hear Scott and Sadie discuss this on the radio here...

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