GOOD VIBES - Man Cleans Up Litter In National Forest For 589 Days Straight

Every weekday Shawn Patrick sheds some light on some good news with His Good Vibes Story. Here is today's...

Edgar McGregor had to take action when he saw litter all over Eaton Canyon in Southern California. The 20-year-old climate activist, who has autism, decided to start cleaning up the popular hiking trail, which is located in the Angeles National Forest.

He started the project thinking it would only take 20 days, but that stretched into nearly two years of picking up trash. McGregor kept at it, picking up debris for 589 straight days until he finally finished the good deed on March 5th. He shared the news on Twitter and the post quickly went viral with more than 107-thousand likes and a tweet of congratulations from climate activist Greta Thunberg.

“There is nothing more satisfying than seeing brand new animals return to your park after months of cleaning up,” McGregor says. ‘I highly encourage anyone with spare time to give this mission a shot.”

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