Pocket Knives are weapons? Tell us in Scott and Sadie's Life Court

Here's Thursday's Life Court...

Scott and Sadie,

I gave my nine-year-old son a Swiss Army pocket knife. I explained the responsibility of owning a knife and showed him how to properly use it and told him he absolutely cannot take it to school, which is kind of sad, but a sign of the times. It was a pretty cool father-son moment.

Until I heard from my ex-wife who equates a pocket knife with a lethal weapon - it's like I gave him a handgun! She views knives as weapons. I see knives as a tool. Bottom line: She took it away from him. I'd like her to give it back.

So in Life Court, I'd like to hear what your listeners think. At what age can you give a kid a knife? I'll admit that maybe I should have consulted my ex-wife, but can't a father have something special with his son?

In 2021, are knives that big of a deal?



Okay, then. What's your advice for Brady in Scott and Sadie's Life Court?

Here's what the judgement on social media says...

Hear Scott and Sadie try the case on the radio...

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