SURVEY: The Most Common Things in a Woman's Purse Now Include...

Well, add two new things to the list of stuff women have to dump their ENTIRE purse out to find . . .

A new study looked at the top things women have in their purses, and they now include face masks and hand sanitizer. Here are the top five...

1. Your phone.

2. Keys.

3. A face mask.

4. Your wallet or credit cards.

5. An average of TWO bottles of hand sanitizer. 

Tissues, pens, and lip balm also made the list. Here are a few more random stats . . .

The average woman cleans her purse out LESS than once a year. One in 10 said they're not sure they've EVER cleaned out the purse they're currently using.

One in eight would be too embarrassed to let someone dig through their bag. And a quarter admits there's a decent chance you'd find some old candy wrappers in there.

And finally, 10% of women have panicked because they couldn't find something . . . and then it turned out it WAS in their purse after all. 

(The Sun)

Hear Scott and Sadie's take on the story here...

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