Talkative Best Friends? You decide in Scott and Sadie's Life Court

Here is Friday's Life Court...

Scott and Sadie,

Here is one for Life Court and it's more just my curiosity. My wife and I are in our early thirties, no kids yet, professional careers, and we are transplants to Northern Colorado from Kentucky.

My wife has made a couple good friends here through church. The woman she considers her best friend is someone she talks to 10-12 times a day! A day! Facetimes, phone calls, texts - they talk a lot.

Look, I don't care, I'm glad she is close to someone, but she says this is normal. I have a guy I consider to be my best friend - and we chat maybe once a week. I think that is normal.

So in Life Court, is this just the difference between the sexes? Ask your listeners how often they chat with their best friends - I'm just curious.



Well, I guess we're curious, too. What's your advice for Andy in Scott and Sadie's Life Court?

Here's what the judgemental are saying on Social Media...

Hear Scott and Sadie try the case on the radio here...

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