THE LIST:4-Things You Can Do in Under 10-Minutes to Increase Your Happiness

Here are four things you can do to feel happier. And the best part is, they all take less than 10 minutes, and they're FREE . . .

1. Message someone you know. Reach out to someone you haven't spoken to in a while. Even if it's just to send them a funny photo or a fun memory that you had.

2. Organize your errands. Organize all the small errands you need to do and start checking them off. Planning like that helps reduce procrastination so we feel less stressed out.

3. Check your vacation day balance. Knowing how many days you have and thinking about what you may do with them allows you to visualize ACTUALLY taking a vacation.

4. Watch relaxing videos. When you have a spare couple minutes, try watching some relaxing videos on the internet. Nature videos are especially good for this. 

A recent study out of UC Berkeley found that people who watched parts of that BBC series"Planet Earth"felt an increase in joy, amusement, and curiosity. And the videos also reduced feelings of fatigue, anger, and stress. 


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