Payback for college? You decide in Scott and Sadie's Life Court

Here's is a LIFE COURT to start the week...

Scott and Sadie,

Our daughter is a 21-year old taking college classes, working part time, and living with us. She has never been the best student and doesn't fully take school seriously.

Our deal with her is that we would pay for school and allow her to live with us as long as she kept a part-time job and passed her classes.

She just failed two classes. With tuition, fee, and books, my husband figures that mistake to have cost us about $2,600.

So he wants her to pay it back. I think that will just drive her to drop out. I thought I would ask your listeners in Life Court - is this too much?



What's your advice for anonymous in Scott and Sadie's Life Court?

Here's what the judgement on social media says...

Hear Scott and Sadie try the case on the radio here...

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