America Wants to Know If These Five Things Will Help a Sunburn

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A lot of people are dealing with SUNBURNS right now. We know because Google Trends put out a report that found searches for sunburn remedies are way up. Here are the top five sunburn fixes people are googling right now . . .

1. "Does shaving cream help a sunburn?" Yes and no. It won't magicallyget rid of it. But they usually have menthol, which has cooling effects and helps with inflammation.

2. "Does aloe help?" Yes, aloe vera is the most popular thing people use. It helps with the pain, redness, and inflammation. And it makes your skin produce more collagen, so it heals faster.

3. "Does vinegar help?" Maybe, but it could also make things worse. Some people swear apple cider vinegar works for sunburns. But vinegar is acidic, so you have to dilute it a lot. If you don't, it can burn you even more.

4. "Does lotion help a sunburn?" Yes, but it should be non-oil-based. Anything with oil can trap the heat in and make it hurt more if you put it on too soon. So in general, wait a day with oil-based stuff. But moisturizing while you recover is a good idea.

5. "Does coconut oil help?" Yes, maybe. But again, don't put it on right away or the oil can trap in the heat. 

(Google/Medical News Today/AAD/Women's Health)

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America Wants to Know If These Five Things Will Help a Sunburn

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