A Loose Wallaby Led Colorado Authorities on a Chase

Photo: Getty Images

Unless you're at a zoo, you probably aren't going to see a wallaby in Colorado... However, some folks had quite the site this week as a loose wallaby led authorities on a chase in our state.

According to KDVR:

According to witnesses, police may have thought they were responding to a drug call when they heard an elusive wallaby was hopping around Montrose.
Around 8:30 p.m. Thursday, Montrose police were dispatched to a report of a kangaroo in the 60500 block of Jay Jay Road. Turns out, the animal was a wallaby, a kangaroo-like marsupial.
Soon after police arrived, the witnesses say, an older woman (whom they nicknamed Grandma Val), said she was the owner and came to help in the pursuit.
The wallaby led Grandma Val, two law enforcement officers and two bystanders on a chase for around an hour before it hopped back toward home — a pen that the animal apparently escaped from earlier.

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