Once a week or so, my hometown newspaper, the Greeley Tribune, puts together what they call their Cop Log. Basically they compile the weirdest stuff that the cops encounter over the last month or so in Greeley and Evans, and print it for the world to see. Today, it's the story of the roommates who called the cops because of a spooky message painted on their wall...
Jan. 9, 12:45 a.m.: Police received a call from the 1800 block of 11th Avenue. The caller said she and her roommates were getting ready for bed and when they turned off the lights, they saw the words “I see you” written on the wall in glow-in-the-dark paint.
I don't know about you, but I would have grabbed my things and been out the door so fast that there would have been no time to call the cops, so kudos to these ladies for being able to pull it together and make the call. Now I have to assume this was a prank so I also have to send kudos to whoever did this for pulling off what I consider to be pretty darn epic. Just remember paybacks are a...