Today is a big day for Colorado State University as they officially "get the keys" to the new stadium from the constructors building it. Minor work will continue, but the stadium officially belongs to the university now.
They will ring in a new era in the new stadium not with a football game, not with a concert, or an open-house, but instead, a wedding.
Athletic Director Joe Parker said today that "We are less than a month away from the first event--a wedding scheduled for July 3!"
He also added a little about how the rest of the community will be able to check out the new digs saying "We are excited to continue planning for the Aug. 5 Fan Fest event when the football team will hold an open practice, season ticket holders will pick up their tickets and sit in their seats for the first time, and the public will have an opportunity to visit the stadium. This event will coincide with CSU's annual Community Open House and Ice Cream Social, making this day even more of a special celebration of Colorado State University's place in our community, and a wonderful opportunity to connect our community with the campus in new and unique ways. More information about the Aug. 5 Fan Fest will come within the next month."