I am not a fashion guy, and I don’t like getting caught up in fashion trends, but I never thought I would see the day that Tevas were declared to be stylish. So here is my plea to you not to wear them.
Tevas are those sandals that have Velcro in the front by the toes and also up by you ankle… You know, the ones your weird uncle is probably wearing right now.
Anyways, they have been shunned by anyone who has any fashion sense for years now, but according to fashion people, Tevas are making a comeback! The Tevas renaissance comes as part of something called “ugly-chic” footwear trend.
Along with those high-waisted shorts the girls are wearing these days, Tevas could make for the worst fashion summer ever!! The only thing that could make this worse is if people wear tube socks with them… And maybe fanny packs!