Greeley Smelt Like a Dead Body Last Month

Once a week or so, my hometown newspaper, the Greeley Tribune, puts together what they call their Cop Log. Basically they compile the weirdest stuff that the cops encounter over the last month or so in Greeley and Evans, and print it for the world to see. Today, it's the story of the person who called 911 thinking they smelled a dead body, but it was "just Greeley."

June 12th, 10:45 p.m.: Police received a call from U.S. 85 and U.S. 34. The caller reported a "horrific" smell and said it was probably a dead body. When police investigated, though, they determined it was "just the fresh scent of a warm summer breeze in Greeley."

I was born and raised in Greeley and I am proud of how my town has grown and improved over the years. I used to be bothered by the stinky jokes, but now I laugh them off. 

Do know, Greeley no longer has any feedlots, so often times the smell is wafting in from other towns or is caused by something/someone doing something, and not just the town smelling bad. Just sayin'! 

See the rest of this week's Cop Log here.

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