Once a week or so, my hometown newspaper, the Greeley Tribune, puts together what they call their Cop Log. Basically they compile the weirdest stuff that the cops encounter over the last month or so in Greeley and Evans, and print it for the world to see. Today, it's the story of the man who called the cops on his cleaning lady for "mean mugging" him.
June 18th, 10 a.m.: Police received a call from the 1200 block of 12th Street. The caller reported a "cleaning lady" who always took down the signs he posted on the door of his apartment. He also claimed she "mean mugs" him.
Mean mugs are another way of saying a dirty look, by the way. This is the kind of stuff my 6 and 9 year old's tattle tail on each other for... Not something you call 911 for, just sayin'!