The Cops Got Called on a Man in Greeley For Taking Too Long on the Toilet

Once a week or so, my hometown newspaper, the Greeley Tribune, puts together what they call their Cop Log. Basically they compile the weirdest stuff that the cops encounter over the last month or so in Greeley and Evans, and print it for the world to see. Today, it's the story of the man who got the cops called on him for not getting out of the bathroom in a timely manner. 

July 6th, 8:15 a.m.: Police received a call from a business in the 1500 block of 12th Avenue. The caller said a person came into the building to use the business' restroom but was now refusing to leave.

I can't say I blame the person for not leaving. Maybe the job wasn't done? Maybe the cleanup wasn't complete? The bathroom is an intimate place where privacy is needed! So please be patient, and when business is complete, I am sure he will leave! 

See the rest of this week's Cop Log here.

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