Greeley Woman Calls the Cops Because She is Scared of Deer

Once a week or so, my hometown newspaper, the Greeley Tribune, puts together what they call their Cop Log. Basically they compile the weirdest stuff that the cops encounter over the last month or so in Greeley and Evans, and print it for the world to see. Today, it's the story of the woman who saw a couple of deer in her yard, and called the cops because she was scared. 

July 25, 6:30 a.m.: Police received a call from the 2400 block of 33rd Avenue. The caller reported two deer in front of her house. She was scared of them.

Initially I almost fell out of my chair laughing because deer will not hurt you and I thought it was funny that she was so scared, but then I remembered that people are also scared of mice and moths... So yea, I guess this isn't really that bad. 

But on a side note, when did we get deer in Greeley? 

See the rest of this week's Cop Log here.

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