32nd Annual Taco Bingo

32nd Annual Taco Bingo

Saturday, April 13th

Carpenter Elementary is hosting Bingo this year at Burns Elementary School

Burns Elementary will be selling walking tacos

Doors Open at 4:30 pm, Dinner at 5pm,

Bingo at 6pm

Raffles! Silent Auction Items!

Miss Frontier & Her Lady In Waiting!

Prizes include: Drone, Party Speaker, Hockey Table, Fitbit, Luggage, Scooters, Sphero, Tablets, Xbox One, Headphones,

Robot Vacuum, Echo, Freezer, Kayak, InstaPot, Yeti, Crossbow, and Smoker

Proceeds Benefit Carpenter and Burns Elementary Schools

Contact (307)-421-4345 CarpenterCSC@live.com

You can pre-order and pre-pay for your bingo cards, no standing in long lines at taco bingo, visit us at our online store!https://squareup.com/store/CSC-PTO

This fabulous, fun, family event draws over 500 attendees from all over Laramie County each year, and we would like to invite you and your friends and family!

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