NOCO Police & Fire Families Comedy Night!

NOCO Police and Fire Families presets a Night of Comedy!

Join NOCO Police and Fire Families for a casual night of fun and hilarity, featuring Vinnie Montez and the Comedy Crew, a silent auction, catered dinner and a cash bar. All ticket and silent auction proceeds will be given to Fort Collins PD Sergeant Kurt Clow and his family. Sergeant Clow's daughter Payton is in Cleveland with her mom, fighting multiple life threatening medical conditions.

After a simple sports injury in 2011, Payton was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. During Payton’s battle she has endured major physical pain, the loss of her lower right leg to amputation, intestinal failure and was diagnosed with Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome. After traveling to multiple doctors, in multiple states, Payton and her mom Stacey have been in Cleveland, Ohio, awaiting an intestinal transplant, since April 2017. Stacey has had to close her business and the Clow’s had to sell their home, all in an effort to support their daughter. Kurt works as much as he can at the PD to support his family’s needs, rent in Cleveland and Colorado, gas, groceries, utilities, copays, prescriptions, etc. Lets come together for a night of fun and raise as much money as we can to support this amazing family!!! I spoke with Marty van Raadshooven, about the event as well.

Drake Center | 802 W Drake Rd, Fort Collins, CO 80526

July 27, 2019

5 PM - 9:30 PM

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