A few years back I started sending thank you cards to people who went out of their way to include me in neat things. In the era we live in, with social media, I feel like our appreciation gets watered down a bit. But I found that by taking a few minutes to go to the store and pickup a card, handwriting what the experience meant to you, and putting it in the mail, really showed just how grateful you were.
So after talking to a ton of people who went to the Garth Brooks show on Saturday night in Denver, I learned that for most it was the best concert they had seen, and some even said it was the greatest night of their life. Quite the statement...
And while you paid to be there, Garth made sure to let all 84,000 of us how grateful he was, left everything on the stage, and even called it the "greatest night of his career." Even more of a bold statement!
I assume there are thousands of people out there who would love to tell Garth how much that show meant to them, but he isn't exactly easy to get a hold of. Sure, you could leave a message on his Facebook page, but like I said before, I think a handwritten note just means more. So, being in radio, I know some of Garth's "people," and I'd love to hand them a big old pile of thank you notes to give to Garth... Can I guarantee he'll read them all, no, but I can tell you that I've never met a more humble person than him, and I know he'd think it was pretty cool.
So, write your letter, put it in an envelope for Garth (no stamp needed), and then put it in another envelope addressed to me. I will give you until next Friday, June 21st, and then I'll send all the letters to Garth.
Shawn Patrick
2864 S. Circle Dr. Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
I look forward to seeing a bunch of mail over the next couple of weeks!!