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We all have basic, guiding principles. Indisputables. Beliefs that we hold at the very center of our being.
Here’s one of mine: No child, no family, no person should go hungry. No one should have to worry where their next meal will come from. We are a generous people with good hearts. We are a nation of abundance. We’re instructed to care for each other and the most fundamental of care is food.
It’s that elemental principle that has led Sadie and me to do numerous fund raisers for the Food Bank of Larimer County and the Weld Food Bank. YOU have always responded with tremendous generosity. 10K, 25K and 100K Can Crusades. Countless food drives. Turkey drives. You’ve always been there.
Two years ago, I did a fund raiser for the Weld and Larimer Food Banks that was, well, unique. I set out to pursue a World’s Record and ride the Scheel’s Ferris wheel for 50-hours. I spent 50-hours on that Ferris Wheel, and you responded by donating $25,000 to the food banks. My butt was sore, but my heart was full. For 50 hours NoCo joined together to feed families.
The problem: Hunger does not stop. Ever. Hunger is a condition in which people do not get enough food to provide the nutrients for fully productive, active lives. Hunger is relentless. The face of hunger may surprise you.
- 33% are children. Over 1 in 3 children in Weld and Larimer Counties are food insecure, meaning they are either currently hungry or nearing hunger. They’re not sure where their next meal will come from.
- 11% are seniors
- 49% are working
In my beloved Weld County, 1 in 5 people are hungry. Rough math equates that to 58,000 of our neighbors – in Weld County, alone – will go to bed tonight with an empty belly.
I find that unacceptable.
People are still hungry. Scheels still has a Ferris wheel. I still have a butt. Will you help me break my own record and do 51 (hours)? For fun. The 51 For Fun Ferris Wheel Fundraiser is on! It will start at 2:00 p.m. on November 14 at Scheel’s and will continue through Saturday November 16 at 5:00 p.m. It normally costs $2 to ride the wheel at Scheel’s. During the time that I am on the wheel, 100% of those proceeds will be donated to the Food Banks.
I’d love to have you ride sitting next to me. That’ll cost $25 – and it goes to the food banks.
Will you kindly donate. I’m asking for $1 an hour. That’s $51. Sure, that’s a chunk of money, but it will go so far to help combat hunger in NoCo.
Will you ride with me? Will you donate? Please click HERE to do so. Your support means the world to that child, that senior, that family who is hungry right now.
Please join me. One more trip around Scheel’s. 51. For fun.