After a doozy of a storm last night and earlier today, I think most Coloradans are over the snow for a bit. Obviously that's not our choice, though, and Mother Nature may have other plans...
As always, it depends on where you live as to how much snow you'll see later this week, but most of Colorado will see some.
Good news for those of us out of the mountains, we likely won't see much. According to FOX31 Denver;
"There will be some light snow showers on Friday late in the day and possibly an early morning flurry on Saturday. Currently, there does not appear to be accumulation in metro Denver."
And looking at a map, by mtro Denver, they mean most of the I-25 cooridorAnd by looking at a map, this goes for not just metro Denver, but most of the I-25 corridor from Fort Collins down to Colorado Springs.