Female Urinals Could Become a Thing to Speed Up the Bathroom Experience

If you've ever been to any public event you've probably seen how crazy the lines are for the women's bathroom. You've also probably noticed how much faster the men's line is. Well, that could all change soon.

It seems that the reason why women's bathroom lines are so long is that they often have fewer toilets. Stalls take up way more room than urinals. Men's bathrooms have an average of 1.3 toilets for every 1 in a women's bathroom.

So, to address this issue a plumbing company in Hong Kong is pushing for female urinals. They say the urinals would cut women's time in the bathroom in half and, as a result, they'd cut the lines in half too.

They're just like urinals in a men's room, only the women get a disposable cardboard funnel that they can use to kinda aim their stream into the urinal without any splashing or mess.

But you want to know the real issue? Every lady comes out of the bathroom with a new best friend. It's like a social gathering place for chicks. Dudes, don't talk in the restroom. You really want to speed things up, we are going to have to make the ladies room a quiet zone!

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