While some researchers are out crunching the data on the Coronavirus, others are working to figure out what kinds of music fans are most likely to have sex in a car. Hey, at least we haven't lost all hope.
The ticketing company TickPick conducted a survey involving about 1,000 people, and they asked them what they listened to in the car, and what kinds of car-related experiences they've had.
• Fans of HEAVY METAL were the most likely to have had a "sexual encounter" in the car. That might not be surprising, but the runner-up was fans of OLDIES. 75% of heavy metal fans have had sex in a car - compared to the average of 65%. So, nearly two-thirds of us have messed around on wheels. Hip-hop was third, followed by rap, and then R&B / soul.
• Speaking of reckless behavior in an automobile, fans of Latin and classical music are the least likely to use a turn signal. The rest of the Top Five are fans of heavy metal, religious music, and rap.
• According to the survey, those who listened to rap were the most likely to experience road rage, followed by reggae, pop, and R&B / soul. Apparently, reggae fans aren't as chill as you'd think.
• Rap fans were also the most likely to ADMIT to going at least 15 mph over the speed limit, followed by pop and oldies fans.
• 49% of people AGREED that blasting your music causes reckless driving. 35.6% disagreed. And 15% said that they're "unable to hear emergency sirens" because they crank the volume, which isn't a good thing.
• The poll also asked for the most annoying music-related things that passengers do in the car. Not surprisingly, it was changing the music without asking. Changing the music in the middle of a song was second.
(Photo Cred: Getty Images, Content Cred: TickPick)