The Genre of Music Fans Most Likely to Have Sex in a Car Is...

While some researchers are out crunching the data on the Coronavirus, others are working to figure out what kinds of music fans are most likely to have sex in a car. Hey, at least we haven't lost all hope.

The ticketing company TickPick conducted a survey involving about 1,000 people, and they asked them what they listened to in the car, and what kinds of car-related experiences they've had.

• Fans of HEAVY METAL were the most likely to have had a "sexual encounter" in the car. That might not be surprising, but the runner-up was fans of OLDIES. 75% of heavy metal fans have had sex in a car - compared to the average of 65%. So, nearly two-thirds of us have messed around on wheels. Hip-hop was third, followed by rap, and then R&B / soul.

• Speaking of reckless behavior in an automobile, fans of Latin and classical music are the least likely to use a turn signal. The rest of the Top Five are fans of heavy metal, religious music, and rap.

• According to the survey, those who listened to rap were the most likely to experience road rage, followed by reggae, pop, and R&B / soul. Apparently, reggae fans aren't as chill as you'd think.

• Rap fans were also the most likely to ADMIT to going at least 15 mph over the speed limit, followed by pop and oldies fans.

• 49% of people AGREED that blasting your music causes reckless driving. 35.6% disagreed. And 15% said that they're "unable to hear emergency sirens" because they crank the volume, which isn't a good thing.

• The poll also asked for the most annoying music-related things that passengers do in the car. Not surprisingly, it was changing the music without asking. Changing the music in the middle of a song was second.

(Photo Cred: Getty Images, Content Cred: TickPick)

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