A Colorado Farm is Now Offering Up Their Animals to Join Your Zoom Chats

I saw a national company doing something like this last week, but now you can have a COLORADO farm animal join your next video conference call!

The Erie, Colorado-based Luvin Arms Animal Sanctuary helps rescued farm animals, and they're now offering live, virtual appearances from one of their nearly 100 animals on video conferences in exchange for a $50 donation.

According to the Denver Post;

While Luvin Arms has seen a sharp increase in social media interest in recent weeks, its revenue and donations have declined due a mixture of city and state stay-at-home orders and a lack of disposable income from its supporters. At the same time, the cost of supplies such as food, bedding (wood chips, hay) and medical supplies has increased.

This is a great way to help!

Call 720-515-8577 or visit luvinarms.org/meeting to set up an appointment.

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