Everyone talks about how"The Simpsons" did stuff in the '90s that are coming true today. But so did the MUPPETS.
Remember the 1996 classic"Muppet Treasure Island"? There's a scene where the pirate ship is stuck at sea for DAYS, not moving because there's no wind. The crew goes a little NUTS, and starts singing a song called"Cabin Fever".
The lyrics include, "We've got cabin fever, we lost what sense we had / We've got cabin fever, we're all going mad." I can relate, how about you?
(Check out the song here.)
When has life imitated art? We don't believe you have to think too long or hard to find a time when real-life imitated fiction.
By the way: Who loves the Muppets? Because Scott wants to be the hird old man in the balcony.