Do You Parent Everyone's Kids? You Decide in Scott and Sadie's Life Court

This is our judge guy for Life Court. We should make a graphic. Maybe one day.

Welcome to Thursday's Life Court...

Scott and Sadie,

I park a block from my kid's school and they walk to meet me. A lot of parents do this instead of waiting in the pickup line.

Every day, I see a mass of children walking by. From time to time I see micro bullying happen. A kid will push another down or a snowball is thrown. I never do anything about it. I figure that it's kids being kids.

But yesterday, a kid was pushed down, and I swear we locked eyes for a second. I could see that he was wondering why an adult was there doing nothing. So a question for Life Court: Do I need to step up my parenting on other people's kids? Or leave well enough alone?



Good question. What's your advice for Alec in Scott and Sadie's Life Court?

Here is what the social media judgement says...

Hear Scott and Sadie try the case on the radio here...

Do You Parent Everyone's Kids? You Decide in Scott and Sadie's Life Court

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