To vax or not to vax? That's the question in Scott and Sadie's Life Court

Not a real judge. Not real papers.

Here is Tuesday's Life Court...

Scott and Sadie,

The governor said that people who are over 50 can get the vaccine here in the next week and I am so ready to be done with this - so I am SO ready to get the shot! I told my wife about it and she told me for the first time, that she has no interest or desire to get the vaccine. This was news to me and when I asked why she said that "she doesn't go anywhere so she doesn't need it".

And that is true. She works from home and basically only goes to take our son to daycare and then comes back. I am the one who goes to the store and interacts with the public more, but not doing those things doesn't mean you are in the clear.

It's important to note that she isn't an anti-vaxxer, she just doesn't have any interest in getting it. So in Life Court, I am curious, are there other couples that are split on this like we are?



Okay, what's your advice for Tim in Scott and Sadie's Life Court?

Here's what people are saying on Social Media...

Hear Scott and Sadie try the case on the radio here...

To vax or not to vax? That's the question in Scott and Sadie's Life Court

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