GOOD VIBES - Couple Donates $3.6M To Pay Medical Students’ Tuition

Every weekday Shawn Patrick sheds some light on some good news with His Good Vibes Story. Here is today's...

Thanks to a generous donation, first-year students at one Texas medical school won’t have to worry about paying for classes. An anonymous couple has donated $3.6-million to cover tuition for first-year students at TCU-UNTHSC School of Medicine in Fort Worth.

"Because of them you will have your tuition for this next year paid,” Dean Stuart Flynn told the students in a Zoom meeting. “So I congratulate you on that. I am so wicked happy for you in this regard."

The gift amounts to $60-thousand each for the 60 members of the class of 2024, which means the future doctors will have much less financial burden. “We hope to do them justice in the future by being the best physicians we can possibly be,” says student Danielle Sader.

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