Five Random Facts at 5:00 for Monday May 24

Here are some random facts for you . . .

1. Scientists can use one circumcised foreskin . . . which is about the size of a stamp . . . to grow almost four ACRES of skin that can be transplanted onto burn victims.

2. In the United States, a ton is 2,000 pounds . . . everywhere else, it's 2,240 pounds.

3. Up to half of the water on Earth is older than the Sun.

4. Hugh Hefner donated the money to pay for a new "Y" in the Hollywood sign in 1978. Alice Cooper paid for the third "O."

5. The last letter added to the alphabet was "J".

(HowStuffWorks/Grammarist/NY Times/Wikipedia/

Hear Scott and Sadie expertly deliver THE FACTS here...

Five Random Facts at 5:00 for Monday May 24

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