Is OnlyFans a red flag? You decide in Scott and Sadie's Life Court.

Here is Thursday's Life Court...

Scott and Sadie,

I've been dating a girl for four months and I'm getting pretty into her. She is bright, funny, super-pretty, and I just enjoy her company. She is a teller at a bank.

I've noticed that, for bank teller wages, she lives a nice home and drives a nice car, but I've never said anything.

A couple of weekends ago, we went to a party and she met many of my friends for the first time. I noticed one of my buddies starring at her - a lot - but she is cute and he's just an average 20-something horn-ball.

The next day he texted me a link and asked if I knew this about my girlfriend. The link was to an OnlyFans site - it's hers - and it's pretty racy. Now I know how she affords the house and car.

I've really done some soul searching and I've determined that I just don't care. But in Life Court, do I mention it to her or leave well enough alone? And is an OnlyFans site a red flag?



Okay, what's your advice for Anonymous in Scott and Sadie's Life Court?

Here's what the social media judges are saying...

Hear Scott and Sadie try the case on the radio here...

Is OnlyFans a red flag? You decide in Scott and Sadie's Life Court.

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