How many people can you date at once? You decide in Life Court.


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Here is Wednesday's Life Court...

Scott and Sadie,

I'm trying to be an adult right now, but I'm struggling and need some advice on Life Court.

I'm single and in my mid-20's. There's a guy I have been on four dates with. Nothing serious - dinners, a party, and a hike. We've kissed but have not been intimate. I like him. I want to continue seeing him.

I was out with a couple of girlfriends on Friday night and saw him at a restaurant with a woman. He saw me. He smiled and waved. I walked over, said hello, and he introduced me to Kim. I smiled and said hello and went back to my girls.

I called him and asked him about Kim. "Oh, she is a woman I have dated a couple of times." He went on to tell me that he enjoys seeing me and wants to continue to see me, but he's not ready for anything exclusive.

So how am I to process that? What does a mature adult do? Because I guess I'm kind of jealous. We have never talked about being exclusive. What's it like to date more than one person at once?

I guess I want to know if he is being an adult - he certainly was honest! Is this normal? Do people truly date more than one person at a time?



Okay, what's your advice for Erica in Scott and Sadie's Life Court?

Here are what the judgy people on Social Media are saying...

Hear Scott and Sadie try the case on the radio here...

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