Scott and Sadie

Scott and Sadie

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A List You Don't Want On: Who's the Most Stressful Person in Your Life?

Fridays and Saturdays are the least-stressful days of the week, according to a new poll. Monday was voted the most stressful by far, and Sundays are second.

If you need to BLAME someone for all that stress, here you go: People were asked to name the most stressful person in their life. And for almost one in four people, it's either their spouse, or their boss . . .

1. Your spouse or partner, 14% of the vote.

2. Your boss, 10%.

3. Your parents. A close third at 9%.

4. Your kids, 7%.

5. Another family member, 5%.

6. A coworker, 4%.

7. A friend, 3%.

8. An ex, 2%.

9. Your in-laws, only 2%.

10. A neighbor, also 2%. 39% of people said there's no one person who stresses them out more than other people. And the poll also found the #1 thing we do to relieve stress is . . . listen to music. 


Hear Scott and Sadie on the story here...

A List You Don't Want On: Who's the Most Stressful Person in Your Life?

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